A textile-based DJ controller that is soft, rollable, and reconfigurable.
By Rosalie Lin
Advisor: Joseph Paradiso
TA: Fangzheng Liu
What if we can modify the music texture with textile affordances? What if we can miniaturize the DJ controller in a way that it’s soft and comfortable to wear with, rollable so that it can be squished in a backpack or luggage? SoftDJ aims to explore a new acoustic control interface via capacitive sensing of e-textile. The ‘puff’ enables the bouncing effect, while different sizes of the puff indicate different hand gestures, thus in various music textures. With magnetic snaps, people can tangibly move controller units around to fit customized functions such as volume, speed, and pitch at personal preferences.
What if we can modify the music texture with textile affordances? What if we can miniaturize the DJ controller in a way that it’s soft and comfortable to wear with, rollable so that it can be squished in a backpack or luggage?